5 ans

invite 4

Opus 39 Gallery presents
Secret Worlds
by Photographer
Emmanuelle Prosper

Opening Monday
4 November 2019 at 7.30 p.m.

Born in Paris, Emmanuelle Prosper began her studies in France, then the US, to return to Paris where she studied History of Art at Ecole des Antiquaires. As a teenager, she discovered her passion for photography thanks to a trip to Africa with her parents where she received her first argentic camera – a magnificent Roleiflex. Eclectic in her love of art, Emmanuelle devoted her spare time for many years to helping her artist & sculptor friends as well as other photographers « break through » into the art scene, until 2013 when, in turn, she decided to take the first step in her own future career as an « Artist Photographer », opening up her work to the public through a series of exhibitions in reputed galleries in Paris, Valencia, Athens and now Nicosia. Since her very first exhibition, success was at hand thanks to her unique style and vision – original and very « graphical » – decorating the walls of private collections all over the world – Australia, Austria, Brazil, Cyprus, Haiti, Germany, GB, France, Spain, New Zealand and Russia, with her larger than life prints as Emmanuelle loves to work with sizes up to 2m wide.

There are only a few photographers who can reflect different worlds with as much talent as Emmanuelle Prosper. She captures our emotion with pictures of water reflection, objects, nature, close-up of a leaf, a branch, water, or light, and these pictures reveal as much charm, mystery and sensuality as her portraits of women. Emmanuelle’s pictures reflect her dreamy mind and invite us to question our environment and life. They highly stimulate our imagination and our sensitive perception of beauty. As they magnify a light, a detail, a color, these photographs manage to create an atmosphere of high sensibility and speak to every heart. Seeing a picture by Emmanuelle is highly recommended for those who want to escape to other times and places and let themselves be submerged by the charm and sensuality of her portraits of women. 
Philippe ROSENPICK , Lawyer, Art Collector and Art Critic at ‘Opinion Internationnale’

A work by Emmanuelle Prosper is an intense and living presence to the person who acquired it. Each artwork, by its presence in space and the volume in which it lives, will transform you as if it had its own will. In a way, each art piece creates its own universe, takes over in a natural sort of way – without artifice but rather by the shear strength of its poetic, dreamlike, always feminine and enigmatic nature, as ‘Elégance’, ‘Erotisme’ and so many others so clearly exemplify it…
Vincent BAUDET, Lawyer and Art Collector

Monday 17.00 – 20.00
Tuesday-Friday 10.30 – 12.30 & 17.00 – 20.00
Saturday 10.30 – 12.30

21 Kimonos, 2006 Strovolos, Nicosia
Τel/Fax 22424983

04 •16/11/2019
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